The Board wears green for our St Patrick's Day Sale
Get Involved in Your Library Community
The Friends are always seeking volunteers and new ideas for programs and fundraising. Come to a meeting or contact us.
By joining the Friends your
tax- deductible membership contribution will help us make a difference. A vibrant library is the heart and soul of a community.
Member Perks
Becoming a member has benefits for you.​​
Invitation to The Friends Annual Meeting
Matching gifts will double your membership status.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax-deductible gifts, no matter what their size, are immediately put to work. These gifts help us to keep The Friends program running from year to year as well as funding reading programs and purchasing items for the Library.
We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Matching Gifts
Your employer (or prior employer in the case of retirees) might match your gift to The Friends organization. Check with your employer regarding its matching gift policy and how to apply.
Book Donations
Book donations are gladly accepted at the library's front desk.